Wah-hoo! Welcome to my little nook of the internet.
My Mission as Your Photographer: To be so “me” that people forget about the camera - because that’s when the magic happens.
My number one goal is to create images that you see yourself in. Not other couples, not the trendy poses on Pinterest and Instagram. But photos as your true authentic self. Period.
What’s it like to work with me?
I love jumping into your shoes and seeing the environment that makes everyone most comfortable and relaxed, while preserving the memories that will last generations.
I am there to capture your natural moments and provide prompts, suggestions and make things funny or less awkward when needed. That way, you get to see the little moments and subtleties that are usually missed.
My Story
My experience being part of event photography has gone back over 13 — yes, THIRTEEN—years. From Summerfest, to assisting wedding planning in Chicago, to opening up Anodyne Coffee Roasting Company's event and wedding venue in Downtown Milwaukee, I have seen it all.
Being an extrovert, people make me extremely happy. Although, I am challenging myself to do more solo things like roadtrips, camping and hiking in National Parks… I am learning to appreciate the solo time to truly get to know oneself. It's hard work, but, as my mom says, "no matter where you go...there you are."
My photography career started at Summerfest, The World’s Largest Music Festival, in 2008. After posting those photos on Facebook, I was asked to photograph my first wedding, wait... what? A concert photographer turned wedding photographer?! Literally, my first couple said, "Well, if you can photograph Flavor Flave, you can photograph my wedding."
And I never looked back.
A few fun facts:
I will bust out my "awkward robot" when I am not sure what to do next. So, be ready to dance the awkwardness out with me!
I have gone skydiving in Hawaii, and yes, I would do it again.
I’ve hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and out in a day.
The outdoors is my church and happy place, I try to go to at least one National Park every year. Have you been to a National Park? What is your favorite? Mine, the Tetons in Wyoming!
I studied abroad in Krakow, Poland in college and have found a love for travel ever since.
Recently, I’ve had the honor of photographing a wedding in Scotland and Germany (at a castle!).
ADHD is my superpower and really helps me stay organized and onto of tasks… really, sounds counterintuitive, I know!
I want to challenge myself one day to a solo road trip or backpacking trip…any suggestions?